Merano - The Tappeiner Walk

Merano, the city of gardens but also of beautiful walks.

The city of Passirio is not only famous for the beautiful gardens of Trauttmansdorff Castle, but also for the countless promenades that surround and dominate the Merano basin. The promenade we suggest starts near the famous Via dei Portici and climbs gently up to the famous Tappeiner Promenade, which we follow in an easterly direction until we reach the Torre delle Polveri (Powder Tower) with its superb views of the city. Once we reach the tower, we descend along the Gilf Promenade and then the Winter Promenade, which runs along the Passirio river until we return to the historic centre.

  • Length km. 3,00 ca.
  • Altitude difference m. 50 approx.
  • Duration 2 hours approx.

Weather forecast Bolzano, South Tyrol