From the city to the mountain
- Bolzano area
Renon cable car: in eight minutes the new cable car takes you to the Renon plateau, like a balcony over the city of Bolzano with a magnificent view of the Dolomites.
Colle cable car: the first cable car in the world (1907).
Mendola Funicular: from the village of Caldaro to Mendola Pass to admire the beautiful landscapes of the Bassa Atesina.
- Merano area
Merano 2000 Cable Car: for skiers in winter – for hikers in summer – for everyone the Alpine Bob.
S. Vigilio Cable Car: From the village of Lana, it takes us to a picturesque and romantic landscape with the little church at Lago Nero and mineral wa-ter springs.
Alpe Cervina (Hirzer Panorama) Cable Car: from the lower Passiria Valley it takes you to Alpe Cervina where you can watch in spring the rhododen-drons bloom.
These and countless other possibilities are offered to tourists who, after visiting the town, would like to enjoy and refresh themselves in the greenery of our enchanting nature.
Foto 1: ©Archive Rete delle Guide
- Guided Tours